Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Silly Little Poem

I am not taking a bath today.
So you can pack up your soap and take it away.

You can shut off the water and take out the plug
Get rid of the bath towels, washcloth and rug.

I’m stinky and sticky and yicky and green
And I like me this way, I feel just like a queen.

So don’t talk to me about bubbles and such
I’m perfectly happy to be wearing my lunch.

I’m terribly busy doing all kinds of big things,
Like digging in tunnels and painting the swings.

I’m looking for treasures in this pile of trash,
I’m finding bubble gum for my secret stash.

I cannot stop to be bothered with soap.
I’m too busy climbing this tree with my rope.

I cannot come down from this tree for a shower
I do not like lotion or perfume or powder

I like to be messy, and it’s easier too.
There are lots of messy things to do.

What is that? What did you just say?
I have to go to bed today?

Well what a silly thing to say,
I cannot go to bed this way.

My bed is not the place for me.
I’m taking my bath now, can’t you see?


Corinne - Copyright 2013 PontiusFamilyUpdates All Rights Reserved said...

soooooooo cute! If you wrote a bunch of those you could publish that - each page with cute pictures! I can totally see it.

Sarah said...

I agree with Corinne, that was cute!

Carmen Shirk said...

I'm still waiting for your book!