Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Too Cool for Reindeer Hats

Today we worked on the science project that involved making igloos out of sugar cubes and frosting. As you can see all of my kidos wanted to get in on the science!
Our tallest igloo!

This project went really well, until Mom stepped away for a minute and World War III broke out over who was using the most sugar cubes and why.

(Some days I can look at this philisophically and see that what my children are really exploring, are aspects of social justice, the fair distribution of natural resources within a society and different methods of conflict resolution - today however, I chose to demonstrate the paticular form of government called a "dictatorship" and "instant incarceration" ie. go to your room; since in my kingdom it's never okay to dump sugar cubes on your sister's head!!)

And last, but not least, is the antler hat, that my three-year-old was waaaaay too cool to model for me. When I showed him the picture, his only comment was: "They just look funny when the antlers are flopping over like that"

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